The first consultation builds a picture of your overall health. We look at your history and at how each of your body systems are functioning separately as well as together. We analyse all the information and find a treatment solution to path a way to your wellness.
An initial consultation takes about 1 - 1.5 hours. Within the initial consultation, a detailed case history will be taken. This also includes some in-clinic tests. When further investigation is needed we can request pathology testing with our GPs in our medical clinic to be done in the in-house pathology centres.
Note: The investigation test service is bulk billed and there is no extra cost to the Medicare card holders. Health fund rebates of most insurance companies are also available, depending on your level of cover. Should you have had any recent diagnostic testing, bloodwork, hair analysis or any other relevant medical test, please bring these along to your first consultation.
A follow-up consultation is a visit after a treatment plan has been completed. We discuss your test results and the outcome of the initial treatment. Follow ups can also be performed in between therapies, depending on the condition. Because the treatment plan is highly personalised, the results can greatly vary. A follow-up is one of the best ways to conduct an evaluation. It takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Preferred Mobile:
0487 778 886
Leeming Medical Centre
10:00am - 4:00pm
Monday - Friday
2pm-5pm By Appointment
5/113 High Road Willetton 6155
9332 5222
Gosnells Medical Clinical
9:00am - 12:30pm
1/2194 Albany High Way
Gosnells , WA 6110. Gosnells Medical Clinic.
9490 3330
Market City Pharmacy
Monday - Friday
By Appointment
1/280 Bannister Road, Canningvale 6155
9278 6560